Road Trip's Podcast - Travel, Touring and Holidays in South Africa using the Road Trip mobile app

The N1 Highway - Part 2 - "Die Ver Verlate Vlaktes" around Bloemfontein to Kroonstad

Road Trip Season 5 Episode 8

"Die ver verlate vlaktes" - the beautiful and evocative line from the National Anthem of South Africa describes "The far and desolate plains" stretching from the Karoo to the areas around Bloemfontein. This area abounds with the history of the Voortrekkers, broken British promises, and the ghosts of the many Anglo-Boer War concentration camps dotted throughout the towns. Beautiful statues, creative monuments and quite a few hidden gems await the person who is prepared to explore this area.

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This is a recording of a radio show - Radio Ecohealth

The Road Trip SA app is available for download

Do you want to visit and explore South Africa? Touch Africa Safaris